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Wing Shape and Flight Characteristics

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Nov 27, 2013
Virginia Beach, Virginia
I’ve been going through Dan Raymer’s book on aircraft design for homebuilders; it's great! Now I’m at the point to design my wing and this is the first place I’ve gotten stuck. My aircraft mission is to be competitive in the aerobatic world, capable of all the advanced maneuvers normal and inverted (so a symmetrical wing) but have a stall speed of 55 KIAS with a wing area of 128.3 ft sq, wing loading of 14.42. This is a monoplane just to clarify.

I’ve looked at planes like the Extra 200/300, DR 107, Edge 540, Giles 202 ect and noticed similar characteristics in the wings I would like some clarification on.

1. All the above aircraft have a tapered trailing edge to their wing. How exactly does this effect stall characteristics (for landing and snap rolls).
2. Pro/Con list for a tapered wing in the aerobatic mission?
3. Are there any real benefits to having a tapered leading edge as well especially considering my aircraft will not exceed 210 KIAS?
4. I have the book Theory of Wing Sections. Any recommended airfoil shapes for this mission?

Thanks guys. Can’t wait to get back to the drawing board!