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The Janowski Project - Rethinking the J1B/J2/J3

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Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2021
Ottawa, Ontario
Ok folks, This is a new thread dedicated to the designs of Jaroslow Janowski whom I have never met but have grown to respect through the study of his life's work in designing a series of small aircraft that have universal appeal and have been copied time and again in the ultralight world. For anyone not familiar with the J series aircraft I have written a brief history of the designs.

I have also now spent over 25 to complete and verifying my translation of the Janowski J2 Polenez plans set. I've done this with the benefit of google translate, reference to the J1B plans and 30 plus years experience working in aviation. I am posting this now for anyone to download to assist in the study of the J2 plans set. I know The J1B and J2 plans have been posted before but I will re-post my copies, which may be better quality here so everything is in one place.

I invite you let your imaginations run wild with the only expectation that we rekindle interest in this series of light aircraft.


  • A Brief History of Janowski Aircraft.pdf
    749.4 KB · Views: 292
  • J-1B plans.pdf
    1.3 MB · Views: 302
  • Janowski J-2_compressed.pdf
    2.7 MB · Views: 349
  • Janowski J2 Polenez - Materials Translation.pdf
    558.3 KB · Views: 296