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Stabiliser longeron Sonerai 1

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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2023
Hi all,

could you confirm the stabiliser longeron is made of two tubes. One is 1"x.058 and the other one is 7/8"x.065 and is inside the first one adjusted by six 1" long weld beads. They are both 48" long.
The stabiliser is made of a tube 1"1/8 x .035 that come over the longeron. So there is three tubes when the stabiliser is on its longeron ?

I'm afraid I made a translation error

Thanks in advance
The horizontal stabilizer spar is made of two pieces of tube. The outer tube is 1” x.058” wall x 48” long. The inner tube is 7/8” x .065” wall x 24” long. The inner tube is slid into and centered in the outer tube. When the outer tube is welded to the top longerons and the rear diagonals, the inner tube will be locked in place. There is no other weld holding it in place. The six 1” long weld beads shown on the correction sheet are there to provide a tight fit for the trailing edge of the horizontal stabilizer trailing edge. The beads are filed to provide the tight fit. Hope this helps.