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New to me Stits Playboy ….modified ?

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fast eddy

Active Member
Oct 2, 2023
Erwin , Tn.
I bought a modified Stits Playboy SA3A and am working on some of the problems of at least a dozen previous owners “experimenting “ HA HA !
I should have known better but I do like tinkering myself …I have a set of plans but am missing page 4 of the 11 page set…anybody ? I have flown it as it was in its flown in delivered condition and am wondering about some flight characteristics that are questionable …cruise about 105 MPH no gps but looks about right ….and stalls anout 65 MPH …Newly rebuilt stock wings look good but not measured according to correct airfoil yet…5 pounds of lead in the tail due to a Lycoming O235 . The prop may be the cruise problem and have already replaced it with a ground adjustable but not tested yet …looking to try about 2000 Rpm for static (previous 2400 ) . VG's may help the stall ?
I have already fixed some of the obvious small issues but some more tweeking with engine cooling and cowling issues…
A&P IA ex-cropduster 77 years old and still at it …I gotta be nuts ! HELP !2EFA8463-E88F-4FAB-B070-CF60469091CA.jpeg