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new builder interested in PIK-26 MINI-SYTKY

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New Member
Mar 27, 2006
hey all! Ive become really interested in small aircraft, and started looking into what has been built, and I found a web page about the PIK-26, but with very limited information, and alot of pictures of the build.

from what I gather, it was designed for the Mosler MMCB engine, has a wing span of 5.24M, a wing area of 6M2, and a total length of 4.33M and uses the wing profile GAW-2.

Im very interested in this aircraft, as it is made entirely out of plywood, and is a fairly small aircraft. I can't seem to find a supplier for plans, and the builder whose site I visited didnt post an email address. I guess my question is, has anyone built one of these planes? if so, where would I be able to purchace plans for this aircraft? if plans arent available, where would I look for more information on the GAW-2 profile? I cant seem to find much information on the internet about that profile. :(
