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Moni - personal motorglider

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Active Member
Oct 23, 2003
Teaneck New Jersey
Hi all,

I was going through ebay and won this information packet on the Moni motorglider. After doing a basic search, I found out that the plane is no longer available do to the company shuttting down in the later 80's. I was wondering if anyone has plans on this plane or where could I find the plans for this at. It looks like an easy plane to build and the fun factor would go off the scale. The info packet states:

This is our newest and most exciting design. Moni Incorporates good soaring performance, sport aerobatic capability and Sunday flying enjoyment. It is light, quickly trailerable, extremely easy to build, maintain and fly. It is an economy leader in that it can fly at 120mph on about 2 gallons of gas per hour or have a miserly cruise of 80mph on less than a gallon per hour. The KFM 107 engine has an electric start for effortless motorgliding. Moni Stalls at 38mph and has a glide ratio of 20 to 1.

Rate of climb 500ft/min
Take off distance 400ft
Stall 38mph
Top speed 115mph
Crusing speed 75% (Sea Level) 110mph
Design limits +6, -4g's

wing span 27' 6"
Length 15'
wing area 75sq ft
empty weight 280 lbs
max gross weight 560 lbs
useful load 260 lbs
fuel capacity 4 gallons
endurance full throttle 2 hrs
Range at 80mph economy cruise 300 miles