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Jun 1, 2012
Lynnwood, WA, USA
Howdy all,

I've got a father who's had several airplanes and never got a one of them built, including what would be a gorgeous Waco BSO with a Continental W670 radial... I'm getting my PPL in about two months, my first house / property in the next year and the very next thing I"m looking to do is build a from-plans or from-kit aircraft that's within my capabilities to learn the necessary skills and accomplish.

I've looked @ the pietenpol, but I'm 6'0, 270 and the Piet seems awful narrow for someone of my size... My preference is to work in wood, for a couple reasons (feel free to correct my reasoning) - I'm going to burn materials as I learn, and failures with wood are cheaper than failures with metal, and because I would like to stay fairly inexpensive for this first project as I'll put some real financial muscle behind the second project once I've got some confidence - especially if that second project is the restoration of the Waco...

I'd love to chat with anybody with restoration experience or hear about kits/plans that would make a good first project.
