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Cowl Exit Streamlining

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Kyle Boatright

Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Nov 11, 2012
Marietta, GA
One of the things I'd like to improve on the RV-10 is the cowling exit. One of the real impediments is the nosegear structure, which is a mass of welded tubes that really clogs the exit. Here are two pictures - one from the front which gives a sense of the structure involved and a second photo from aft of the cowl exit showing the structure from that perspective and how it blocks the airflow.

Thoughts on where to get the best bang for my buck (actually time) on improving airflow?
  • Put streamlined (airfoil like) fairings on the tubes that provide side to side triangulation?
  • Create a teardrop fairing around the junction where all the tubes come together?
  • Create one "pan" type fairing which smooths the airflow under the whole assembly?
  • Other ideas?
