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Corvair engines

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Doran Jaffas

Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2019
Hello everybody out there in aviation land. Been a while since I posted or asked a question and there may be answers to this but I just haven't seen them so I'm going to put it out there again and please forgive the repeat if it is. I'm looking at an aircraft that has 110 horsepower Corvair engine. I am curious as I have not been able to find any solid information and I probably just haven't looked in the right place or places but again I am curious if anybody knows suggested TBO on 110 horsepower and what the minimum compression would be? Aircraft I'm looking at does not have the fifth bearing but that really doesn't concern me at this point and it has a slide valve carburetor mounted on the top that I haven't seen before. I mean that type of mounting for the slide valve. the engine itself is flown about 350 hours but it's not flown in quite some time so again I'm asking the question and sorry for the rambling here.. what would the minimum compression be on this engine and suggested tbo's?

Thank you folks and looking for your answers.

Doran Jaffas