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Asphalt bound hi-flyer

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Apr 27, 2012
Chilliwack, Bc, Canada.
Hi everybody! Well were do i begin? It was a crisp fall day in 1975 when my mother told my fath.......... Ok not that far back. My love fair with aircraft started when i was 4 and my dad piled us into his car and took me and the rest of the family to my first airshow. We all left after 2 hours of me crying and screaming after the CF-101 voodoos took off and scared me to death. After that first year, the Abbotsford airshow became a staple in my life. Every Christmas and birthday included a plastic model aircraft. Beavers, Voodoos, Eagles, hornets, Strike masters, Spitfires, Mustangs, Typhoons, and Messerschmits. Then the grand daddy gift from my oldest brother! A used Eaglet 50 trainer he saw for sale. Now i could FLY!!! After 2 weeks of training by a wonderful R/Cer master named Jack baron, i was turned loose. And in true adventuring spirit i flew that plane everywhere! It lasted a good 5 years despite being eaten by a corn field, crashed into a manure pit and flown into the side of a barn as i tried to catch it single handed after the engine quit above said corn field. I grew up and became interested in really flying. The Military was out as my grades weren't the best. So after becoming a trucker to help pay for my passion, I have finally started my private Pilots licence! (it takes roughly 17 yrs as a trucker a marriage and 2 little girls to finally follow a dream....). So now at 36 I'm doing it! Now here's what I've been thinking about for the last 2 million, mostly accident free miles. I will this summer start working on fusing together 2 Gm 4.3 liter V-6's for a slightly cheaper V-12. Fuel injected, electronic ignition, drysump oil system, and super charged. If it works next step will be and inverted V-12 version. Why you may ask? 1) I'm a sucker for punishment, 2) I'd like to waste some of this hard earned cash. If the engines work step 2 will be either a wooden and composite P-40m, Yak-3, and a Bf/Me-109. For the fuselage, I think that a upsized r/c plans would work with a wooden semi-monocoque fuselage covered with .3 ounce carbonfiber. Yup that's about it lol.