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New Member
Oct 19, 2015
Woodland Hills, CA
I have been a Pilot for 26 years and I am an animator. I have worked int he aerospace industry for the past 15 years creating realistic 3d imagery and animation for large and small companies including Boeing, Parker Aerospace and a few general aviation companies such as Epic and Lancair.
Recently I was contacted by Hensley Aircraft Company to illustrate their flagship twin engine called the Wolf and I fell in love with this beautiful aircraft so much that decided to Join Hensley Aircraft with the goal of owning one.
Here is the link to the Website I designed to bring the aircraft to life:
Hensley Twin Engine Medium Range Aircraft Home

What I found amazing is how roomy it is, and being a pusher configuration the unobstructed visibility makes this a perfect FUN TO FLY airplane.
Over the next few months as we prepare to launch the aircraft in January 2016 I would welcome comments from the community.

Hope you enjoy the website, please note that it is under development.