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503 Head Gasket leak

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Active Member
May 2, 2012
Calhoun, GA
I have a M-Squared Breese 2 with 503 DCDI 300ish hours. I have been battling a stubborn oil leak for a while now. Well I should say trying to ignore an oil leak for a while. Its a pusher and the rear cylinder head gasket leaks just enough for the oil to pass the gasket and slobber all over the tail feathers. I first pulled a compression check with normal results. After that i removed the head flipped over the gasket with no improvement. The previous owner had replaced the gasket three times. So i started ignoring it.
I recently had a friend with a 503 fresh overhaul and now he has the same problem engine runs great no temp issues but just enough leakage to make a mess. Is this a common problem with a common fix i have already recommended he contact his engine overhaul guy for answers. Just wandering if any of you had any advice.