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2nd vacuum bagging attempt question

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
May 26, 2017
Merrill, Wisconsin, USA
While I was working this morning, on my second attempt to make good part, I developed another question that really needs to be answered.
As it turns out, I had leak on my mold at location "A". I spend a few nights to find it, but in the process of looking for it was fighting with all kinds of leaks on my plastic against the mold. I marked it as my "leak B" and you can see it on my picture.

So, I made conclusion that mold leak at "A" on my first attempt was driving resin out of the finish part, and I end up with very "dry". This situation created very "dry" part. I am thinking that if my leak would be on plastic side and continuously working pump would be able to hold some reasonable vacuum = nothing would really happen. Leaking air would be migrating slowly under the plastic right into suction port. And as long as leak is relatively small = finish part will stay "wet" and under pressure. Only downside is cycling on and off pump.

That's my conclusion. I would like to know if this is correct.
