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V twin bird

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Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2023
This is a very rough sketch of a two seat aircraft intended to be equipped with 800cc (approximately 60hp) Gaokin V-twin engine. At this stage I'm dealing with balance before I could finalise the frame geometry. Wing and tail geometries are more or less established. The wing is is constructed similar to the Avis Flyer/Kitfox one with tubular aluminium spars and foam core composite ribs. Internal and supporting struts aren't shown. The tail is more interesting. Both vertical and horizontal surfaces have NACA 0009 profile and supposed to be made of the same foam core composite. The vertical stabiliser will be bonded to two supporting tubes which are welded to the fuselage. The rear tube will also carry rudder hinges (didn't figured out this part yet). Weight saving cutouts on the vertical tail aren't shown. The elevator is a single piece supported by a single hinge (shown below). I think it may simplify the construction and also make the elevator removable. I'm still unsure about the trimming system. It might be just an adjustable stick spring loading mechanism or a more traditional trim tab or an adjustable balance tab.


Here is the elevator hinge close-up view. These plates are meant to be bolted to full-thickness hard inserts made of 18mm plywood of something.

In this configuration it's quite nose-heavy (I expect the engine together with the redrive unit to weight about 60kg, numbers are taken from the Gaokin engine spec and Aeromarine LSA V-twin spec). With the tail gear and battery at the back it may move close to desired position around the pilot's spinal chord.
Screenshot 2023-07-04 at 21.18.57.png