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This is Chris from Bavaria

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Phoenix 22

Active Member
Jun 23, 2022
Germany Bavaria Regensburg
Hi All,

Im happy that I could find that community and I want to invite myself. Im 61 years old, married since 1986 and we have a son 32 years old son. I build and fly model airplans since I was a teen. With 16 years I started with an apprenticeship as a mechanical engineer, became industrial master and since the 90ies I am an mechanical engineer - in Germany they call it technican. I like to work with my own hands and see what you have done, so every day I´m in my workshop.

I work with carbon fiber since more than 20 years. It startet with motorsport parts, windsurfing boards and booms, accoustic guitars and many other things. In 2017 I build up an BMW M3 E92 from scratch and with my son I like to drive races at the Nürburgring Nordschleife.

4 years ago I made the Sports Pilot Licence SPL for microlight airplanes and my target ist to build my own microlight plane. Guess the name - right - Phoenix - Im sure everybody here knows that film with Hardy Krueger... that branded me.....

The plane will be very different to the standard UL microlight. No Rotax engine, Subaru EJ22 with 250 HP turbo charged - I dont like to loose 30% of performance in 10.000 feet. It will be a mix of a high altitude hunter like a ww2 fighter and it should be possible to do aerobatics too.

I know thats a bit crazy - thats the reason why I love this project.

The design is nearly done and I was looking for a marcotte redrive - I had contact to Guy Marcotte 2 years ago - but I couldn`t get in contact again. So If you have an Idea where I can get such a redrive - maybe another brand - it would be very kind if you let me know.

glad to be here, best regards

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