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KR2 and Taylormono plane

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don january

Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2015
I thought it was time to drop in and give a update on my build's. I'll start with the kr2, it's about the same as when I took it up last, other then I pulled the Corvair off and been playing with different ideas on power plant, at this time I'm boring out a 1600 vw and doing head's. Don't get me wrong the Corvair is a strong engine but like I said no goodies added just a stock 164, crank and all! I decided to keep it and just swap wing's with the Taylor-m, depending on what flight mission is at hand. Been working on a paint booth area to give both bird's their final color. As far as the kr2 it's done but never done if ya know what I mean. Now the Taylor has been a great plane to hammer on, I do like my wood:) Got the root spars done and where I want them, working on last set of WAF. Been looking around for some Diehl main landing gear, may just find some Soneria type gear don't know yet? built up the horz. stab part's and working on rudder, ran some rudder cable's and I've been seeing alot of great idea's on pedal's. I have a good ALum header tank installed it's been holding 3 lb. of air for nearly 2 week's. There is many question's that come to mind in the process of the build's and this sight has been a great help, little thing's like CG, tail weight on thrust line, and just getting good deal's on Wh pant's, or WAF's. for all you people out there that have a want to build your own bird or bring a wore down old girl back to life, I say go for it and get er done. What a joy you will feel in your heart when you give it a name and share the heaven's together. ;););) DJ