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Flying wing as cheap and simple option for basic fun flying.

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Nov 14, 2009
Rocky Mountains
I'm hoping VB's aluminum Pelican idea get's tossed around a little more. If it was big enough for real people that'd be a pretty cool airplane.

And with this comment another new thread is born. My intent is a continuation of the VP-21 and Flying Motorcycle of the Air related threads but focused on only the flying wing option as a solution. For the purposes of this thread lets define a flying wing fairly loosely.

It can be any combination of:
Flying plank
Swept wing, either positive or negative
It can have a defined fuselage
It can have vertical surfaces for yaw control
It can have external control devices - such a junkers style flaperonl/elevons.
It can be a pusher or a tractor
It can be a BWB

Based on the other threads like this it should also be/have:
Easy and cheap to build
Build-able from plans or CAD files yet possible to produce in kit form for a 'reasonable' price
Trailer-able and/or capable of being stored outside
Large enough to fit an average US male
'Reasonable' performance
Not weird looking or intimidating to a pilot or non-pilot

Let the Idea tossing begin :ban: