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Electric Start for Rotax 503

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Jan 27, 2023
I installed a Rotax 503 on my Rans S9. My plan was to use a pull starter and it has been fine so far when running the engine on the project. I rigged the wings a couple of weeks ago and it became clear that using the pull start was not practical on the S9 because of the difficulty of climbing in the aircraft after starting the engine. So I need an electric start that can fit on the engine without me having to butcher the firewall. The Rotax starter does not fit the bill.

I have found two third-party starters that are still available at Information | M5 Aviation Products and GPL ELECTRIC STARTERS - GPL Electric Starters.

My two questions are:

1. Are there other options besides these two?
2. Can anybody with first-hand experience provide some feedback about the quality and reliability of these starters?

Thank you.