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Another canard enthusiast -- with a VariEze, a Defiant, and pieces of a Cozy

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Raymond J

New Member
Aug 30, 2020
Hi folks,

I've been lurking on these forums for a while (there's so much info here, thanks all for the treasure trove!), but I think it's time I introduced myself.

I'm Raymond, I live in southern California, and I'm in the deep end when it comes to canards and Rutan aircraft. I own and maintain two: a VariEze and a Defiant, and I also have a barely-started Cozy IV project sitting in the garage. Their safety features (stall-free + spin-resistance) and looks were what called to me.

The Defiant has got most of my attention recently. I've only had it for about a year, and I'm working on becoming proficient in knowing and maintaining all its systems. Once I get its "base configuration" up to snuff, I'd like to start equipping it for convenient, long-distance travel. Future modifications I'm considering:
  • Detachable canard tips, to avoid the 2-person shuffle required right now to fit it into a T-hangar
  • Additional ferry tanks for 2000+ nm range
  • Copper tape HF antenna on wings for ocean crossings
I'm an electrical engineer at my day job, and I've got a keen interest in making sure my planes have good electrical systems and avionics. My most recent "big" project was a complete rewiring and re-avionics-ing of the VariEze (before and after pictures attached). It's now something I trust in IMC, and I like to say it's probably the only hand-propped IFR plane out there. :)

Pleased to meet you all, and looking forward to the discussions!


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