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Aeroncas at Oshkosh

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Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2003
Corona CA
It's the year of the Aeronca at Oshkosh. We got 100 special spots lined up and apparently I am No 90. I'm sure if more than 100 show up, they'll squeeze them in somewhere.

Anyone else bringing their Airknocker? I'm planning to to take my L3 along with a couple of other Chiefs, Southern California. Flabob to be exact. The more the merrier. It's going to be a slog at 75mph but it's on my bucket list.
The only other time I've been to Oshkosh was 2009 with 6 others in two Bonanzas, at 160mph. Going round the long way, past El Paso, mostly following the 10 until I get to lower altitudes.. My L3 is ceiling and range challenged; I might rig up a few extra gallons in the back, that remains to be seen. The Chiefs I'm going with have auxiliary tanks and I don't want to hold them up with my 20 planned fuel stops. about 30 hours flyting time.

I only have about 6 hours on it since its restoration but I have time enough to fix any squawks that I find, although so far everything works as it did 82 years ago when it was built.
