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FEW TF-51 Mustang

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New Member
Nov 23, 2004
Shreveport, La
I am completely new to the forums. I''m in the research phase of getting started on a new project. I want a replica P-51 Mustang or an F4U Corsair. I really like the looks of the F.E.W. TF-51 Mustang. I was wondering if anybody had any feedback on them. I would also like to know if anybody knows of a Corsair that is comparable in scale and performance to the F.E.W. Mustang as I am looking toward 2 aircraft in the longterm. I've also considered the Titan T-51 Mustang and the Loehle 5151 but the Loehle seems a little slow for my taste. I'm having a terrible time finding a Corsair close to any of these and may have to consider something like an FW-190. I've even considered giving up and just getting a pair of RV's.

Any advice or input is greatly appreciated.