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Site Developer
Oct 22, 2002
Pacific NW, USA!
Greetings folks,

I thought it might be nice to have a single thread to hear what HBA members are currently building. Even if you have already mentioned your project elsewhere on the forum, PLEASE post a little something about your project here in this thread. It can be as detailed or as brief as you like. Photos, links to company info, unique features, motivations for building, etc are all welcome and encouraged though.

Just a couple of ground rules:

  1. This thread isn't mean to take the place of a proper introduction thread you would start here. Each member is encouraged to start a seperate introduction thread so we can learn more about you and welcome you properly! I'd like to keep this thread focused on the projects themselves.

  2. If you have moved past the "back of the napkin" stage and are seriously designing an aircraft, we would like to hear about that too.

  3. If a particular post starts to accumulate a lot of questions or replies, I might copy the original post to its own thread and move the replies into that thread so we can have a full blown discussion of the project elsewhere. This should help keep this thread from getting too clogged up with discussion about one particular project. If I do this I'll put a link to the new thread into the original post so folks will know where the discussion has moved to.

  4. If you have already finished your plane, please, please, PLEASE post a thread in the Completions forum. Trust me, we want to know about it and it deserves very special attention in its own thread. I'm sure I'm not the only one whose favorite section of Sport Aviation or Kitplanes Magazine is the completions section.

Anyway, that's about it. I can't wait to see what this thread produces!