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Please can someone help me as to where i may be going wrong...

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Mar 18, 2006
southern california inland a bit
Learning how to and sometimes lost..what needs to be changed/adjusted/fixed for this to be a safe airplane
enclose data from an online calc w&b program

am i close with what i have sent and if you have time maybe you could tell me where i am going wrong

Tom laudato living in salton city in california in the desert
wing tail
root chord 60 88
tip chord 48 50
sweep 10 60
half span 168 44
dist wing le tail root le 135
desired static marg 7

weight arm
left wheel 360 70
right wheel 360 70
noze wheel 60 12
pilot 200 69
pax 150 69
fuel 30 gal 180 69
datum from wing root le 42
mac 54.22
mac dist from root chord 80.89
wing aerodynamic center aft of root le 18.37
ideal center of gravity %mac 38%
ideal cg aft of root le 25.57
actual center of gravity % mac 37.1
actual cg aft of root le 24.94
actual cg from main axle 3.06
neutral point % mac (NP) 45%
neutral point aft of wings root le (NP) 29.36
distance between ideal cg and np 3.8
distance between actual cg and np 4.42
desired static margin 7%
actual static margin 8.2%
gross take off weight of a/c 1314
empty weight of a/c 780
total moment of a/c 87938

anyone may contact me directly as i do not get online this often
[email protected]
thanks up front for any and all help....
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