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First time builder, 4 tank configuration- Fuel routing options?

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Active Member
Jan 29, 2022
Hi there folks,
I am building a Zenith CH701 with the extended range fuel tank(s) option. This system uses 4 x 10 gallon tanks. I am planning on running the traditional "left/right/both" style fuel selector valve. My questions more revolve around routing the lines to the valve. I was thinking of running a gravity feed system, one line from each tank junctioned in a "Y" on each side, each with check valves in the lines. These would then run to the cockpit selector valve. Very basic. Is this common or is there a preferred method for a 4 tank setup? I am looking for a very basic design- for my intended usage I generally only plan on using the 2x inboard tanks 90% of the time with the auxiliary tanks being used when I go up north.

Thanks, Mike.