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Vans finally taking the laser cut hole cracking problem seriously.. 07-04-2023

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Nov 29, 2009
Westcliffe Colorado
There is a post on the vansairforce forum about laser cut holes in some heavier gauge parts cracking when dimpled or when riveted.
Dimple cracking caused by laser cut holes - VAF Forums

Yesterday on the 4th of July it appears that after a considerable amount of prompting by builders, that there is finally action being taken.
The new thread, started yesterday by Vans, it appears that the parts involved are no longer deemed acceptable. For those who closed out assemblies with these components embedded it could be quite problematic.
Laser Cut Holes Dimple Cracking - VAF Forums

It appears that after making initial laser cut parts that were deemed acceptable and were assembled ans tested by Vans, there may have been a change made to the CNC program used to cut the parts that resulted in the initial burn starting at the edge of the final hole OD leaving a notch and potentially heat affected zone which then either cracked when the part was dimpled or even later when the rivet was set.

It seems that several years worth of kit parts were impacted and Vans still have not confirmed the process change by the sub contractor because the final version of the parts does not appear to pass muster at Vans today. Bait and switch by the vendor ?