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Steel parts finishing

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Jan 3, 2014
Hi guys. Question.

I’m undecided on what finishing system to use for the Baby Ace but I do need to prime and paint some steel parts coming up fairly soon. I like Stewarts and Airtech system but that could also change.

I want gloss black as my fuselage color.

Given that I’m still undecided on the ultimate system I’m going to use I should be able to use automotive 2 part epoxy type paint products available from my local automotive paint distributor right? I have PPG Omni products on a shelf right now from my last motorcycle project in gloss black and I’d like to be able to use it. It’s acrylic enamel if I recall but it’s a catalyzed 2 part finish.

From what I gather none of the systems have any compatibility issues with automotive paint on steel.

If I’m wrong I’d like someone to correct my assumption and I can just pick a system and stick to it and order the epoxy they supply. It just seems unnecessary because I have $300 worth of product on hand.

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