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RC turbines

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Active Member
Mar 14, 2021
Cincinnati, Ohio
I built an ultralight sailplane (Carbon Dragon) about 12 years ago and lately have been experimenting with electric motors to give myself that extra "thermal" to make it home and, hopefully, also be able to self-launch. I'm limited in propeller size (max 36") which is not super efficient or a popular size and readily available. There is a lot to consider with batteries, controllers, charging, discharge rates, etc. A guy in Greece built a similar glider called a Neutrino and he is using a 70lb thrust turbine.

I have no experience with these things but it is very appealing. Extremely low weight, 8 lbs! Super simple install, the glider gets lighter as you use your fuel. I know they aren't designed with the safety margins as something intended for a manned aircraft, but from what I've read if you run them at 70% of rated power or less they are pretty reliable. The Dragon should only need about 11 lbs of thrust to maintain level flight, so I think this 88lb thrust turbine would give me the power I need even running it conservatively.


What do you think?