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Original Sonerai II tail wheel spring and fork assembly

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No, was talking about the rollerblade type wheel.

That 4" wheel I linked to on ACS will last a year easily. Every 50 hours I'd turn it around so it would wear evenly.
Gotcha. Yeah I'll be welding up the fork whenever I can slow down some with work to do it . Right now it's a little hectic playing catch up with other people's planes.
Gotcha. Yeah I'll be welding up the fork whenever I can slow down some with work to do it . Right now it's a little hectic playing catch up with other people's planes.

Yeah, I hear ya! I'm up to my armpits rewiring a friggin Lynx with ancient radios so the owner can fly it another couple of years without spending anymore money. It only had one radio, big gaping holes in the instrument panel and a rat's nest of wires and non-aviation hardware. So, at least now he'll have 2 Narco Mk12Ds (that look brand new!), dual CDIs, A serviceable KT-76A and a Tailbeacon for ADS-B out. And he'll also have an ancient GX-50 GPS (don't ask why, it was free and that's what he wants).

I've decided I'm gonna quit working on other people's airplanes for awhile so I can finish my RV-8. The Sonerai will go up for sale as soon as the wings go on the RV-8.
Does any one have a picture of the original Sonerai II tail wheel spring and fork set up. I recently purchased a project that’s going to need a caster wheel (fork and bolt are there but no wheel). I’m not sure if the tail wheel set up is what was called for or if the builder or previous owner modified. I would like to get a look at one to confirm. Thanks.
I am attempting to attach three photos of an original tailwheel assembly as purchased from Great Planes Aircraft many years ago. It will be used on my Sonerai 2 LS project.


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Yeah, I hear ya! I'm up to my armpits rewiring a friggin Lynx with ancient radios so the owner can fly it another couple of years without spending anymore money. It only had one radio, big gaping holes in the instrument panel and a rat's nest of wires and non-aviation hardware. So, at least now he'll have 2 Narco Mk12Ds (that look brand new!), dual CDIs, A serviceable KT-76A and a Tailbeacon for ADS-B out. And he'll also have an ancient GX-50 GPS (don't ask why, it was free and that's what he wants).

I've decided I'm gonna quit working on other people's airplanes for awhile so I can finish my RV-8. The Sonerai will go up for sale as soon as the wings go on the RV-8.
Blasphemy selling the sonerai haha. Gotta keep it for the fun factor.
Well here's the pictures (couple days late) of the tail wheel set up I'm trying to find a wheel for. Like I stated before I'm most likely going to follow N804RV and chopndrag's suggestions but just wanted to post the pics to confirm if it is the original cast wheel assembly and see if any one else may have any additional input or ideas on it.


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Thanks to Tom H. also for the pictures you posted. That one looks real similar to what I have except there’s only one horn and the horns on mine seem a little wider and the casting seems a bit different.