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Mogas vs. 100LL?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2012
Republic of Texas
As we have a non conventional engine, the use of 93 Octane pump gas is attractive.

After reading more about the auto fuel here in North Texas, we have "reformulated fuel" year round. This has the benefit of cleaner burning, with a much lower RVP number making flying at altitude a non-issue.

The fuel lines in use are alcohol resistant, and chemical resistant. So burning the E10 fuel is not a problem, and the auto engines we are using were designed to run on this.

Benefits include:

1. Cleaner engine.
2. Longer life for plugs.
3. More time between oil changes.
4. No ugly exhaust smudge on the side of the airplane.
5. $2.80/gallon vs. $5.00/gallon.

A 58 gallon tank, with a self contained fuel pump (battery operated) will be used. Just load it in the back of my Explorer. When not in use, it will sit in my garage (or hangar), completely empty.
