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Methylene Chloride to be Banned

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Jan 24, 2011
A heads up: The EPA is planning to ban the sale of most consumer products containing methylene chloride. There's no doubt it is nasty stuff, but it is an ingredient in many paint strippers, acrylic adhesives, metal cleaning products, gasket removers, carburetor cleaners, etc. So, if there's a product you presently use and like, perhaps take a look at the label and see if it contains methylene chloride (also known as dichloromethane ). If you are willing to properly protect yourself and others when using it, it might be prudent to stock up while it can still be bought. Maybe the replacement products will work just as well, maybe they won't.

More in this article:https://finance.yahoo.com/news/epa-rule-bans-toxic-chemical-130101630.html

EPA document listing some products containing methylene chloride (see tables starting on pg 7): https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2017-02/documents/methylene_chloride_.pdf

(Some common products here. Who knew the red dippy drinking bird toy was so hazardous?)
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