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Electrical System Clarification

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Jan 4, 2007
I'm working through plans and beginning to build parts, to build a 2-place plane that would need to be N-numbered, a RagWing Ragabond. At what point is a plane considered as "having an electrical system"? Basically I'm wondering if having a battery powered points ignition system (4 cylinder VW), and wondering if that would be considered as an electrical system? If I go that route I would like to a have a small generator or alternator just to keep the battery voltage up, rather than it being a total loss system. Would that simple electrical system for ignition purposes only require any other things? Hoping to keep the plane really simple. Maybe there's a decent, compact not too heavy magneto that can be used with a 4 cylinder VW instead of using a battery powered points distributor?

I also need to educate myself on the advantages and disadvantages of going "flywheel drive" vs "pulley end drive" on the VW and am open to suggestions and recommendations.

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