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Dual plug heads

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Jan 2, 2022
I am seeking some advice regarding the second plug for type1 cyl. heads. Here in the UK we are obliged to use twin ignition even for recreational aircraft. Whilst the redundant ignition gives welcome safety it has always seemed to me that it also compromises the heat flow in an area of the head that is acknowledged as to be vulnerable. So, the question is how to manage that situation to best advantage. I recall seeing a post from Pops where he indicates that his second plug is 10mm dia and this seems to be a move towards maintaining the max possible material in the vicinity of that hard worked exhaust valve. Pops do you, or anyone else, have any updates on this? Also is the heat range the same as the top plug or do the conditions change greatly with position? I believe that some Limbach engines require different plug gaps upper and lower.
Any observations greatly appreciated.
