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Sidestick control vs control yoke vs panel-mounted control wheel

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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2007
Evansville, Indiana
What are everyone's thoughts on each of the common control interfaces? I would honestly like to use a side stick control in my larger design (as I did in the Vireo LSA) because such a design minimizes obstructing the pilot's view of the instrument panel and also increases the distance between the pilot and the structures in front of him in the event of a crash.

At the same time, I have reservations about it with regards to making sure I can impart sufficient force with that approach at the extremes of the performance envelope (not that I plan to go there, but it is something I need to think about). It would seem to be much easier to impart some form of mechanical advantage through the use of a control yoke like is seen on airliners and some turboprops. Since I don't have the money for a fly-by-wire system and I like the "feel" of being directly connected to the control surfaces, I figured it would be worthwhile to get everyone's input on this.

Comments, questions, concerns and good natured ribbing are welcomed.