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Pultruded Carbon Rod as Spar Material

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Apr 25, 2007

I'm in the middle of laying out a composite project. I'm working from plans, but I need to make some modifications to suit my specific requirements --specifically, I need to go from a one piece wing/contiguous spar to a stub wing/three piece spar configuration.

Wingspan is 25 feet, roughly. I want to keep the width of the fuselage and stub wings to 100 inches so I can trailer it without it being an oversized load, if possible.

So, here's my problem. I'm pretty sure I can work around aileron and flap placement issues, but I still need to build a main spar that can be assembled and disassembled and still provide +6G/-4G strength.

The original design uses S-Glass to create a box spar. Is it feasable to make a new spar design using pultruded carbon tubes for the spar caps and S-glass for the shear webs? I'd probably opt for a spar structure where the outboard portions of the spar slide into the central spar section, and bolt in place at the outboard/central spar junctions as well as in the center of the fuselage where all three spars meet.
