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Mosler CB-40 engine value

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Kim Brown

Active Member
Jan 13, 2020

I am looking to try to get opinions of value for a barn find I came across today to see if it is worth my while getting them.

The find:

two complete, apart, new, Mosler CB-40 engines, I refer to them as kit engines. I’ve have had pretty much every half vw style variation, the last one I had being a CB-40. I like this pancake twin category of engines and so apparently do others as half vw styles are getting harder and harder to find in the ever changing general aviation categories of EAB, U/L, LSA which is part of the reason for the growing interest in V-twin engines. So what I am trying to determine is the value of this barn find in today’s world. I am on the net all the time looking at this stuff but that only establishes my opinion of value. If possible, I would like to hear others’ opinions of value for these two engine kits, both as is, and also once built.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to give me your thoughts

Kim Brown