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LSx mounted inverted

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Apr 1, 2009
east of west
Upside down with the crank at the top. Thinking of a direct isolated drive with no propellerforces on the engine, stroked LSx with 427+ cui. 500+ft.lbs of torque @ 2700 is very realistic with a good tune and will give approx 250+hp. That is enough power and will save the weight and complexity of a psru. Planned as a replacement for lycoming 540, so the weight penalty won`t be that bad.

Oil scavenge from camshaft? how will the lube of the cylhead be? Getting rid of the oil that will pour down from the crank onto the pistons? What are the challanges, and has it been done before? Will the oil that is left in the crankcase sneak down, past the piston oilseal and into the comb. chamber after shutdown?

What will the expected cruise BSFC be on a EFI LSx running at 2200rpm with say 150hp continous. I mean compared to a leaned out lyc 540. Will there be any significant gain?

Expected engine life? Can I assume it will be a dependable engine if driven with care and at conservative powersettings? 2000+hrs tbo? This lycoming cost of operation is what I dislike with cyl replacements, overhauls and other expensive stuff.

Propeller? Fixed and groundadjustables are not considered. Has anybody mounted a standard oilpress adjustable propeller to a autoconversion before? Electrically adjustable then? I guess that will be the best option..? Anybody with experience with that? prices, availability and how they perform compared to a certified adj.propeller

Thinking of retrofitting that in an old cherokee six. Emptyweight in standard form is approx 1700lbs, max 3400. 100%payload. Beat that:nervous:

Yes, I know that cannot be done in the US. But I do not live there. We have several old, restored or modified standard category planes/copters with experimental status here.

All comments appreciated:ban: