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Getting old and depressed...

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New Member
May 13, 2022
Yes, I'm new to the forums... well, new to actually creating an account for the first time. I've been reading through HBA for years now, as I've pretty much got everything i've ever needed just by reading.

I am 51, have a beautiful wife along with 4 kids (13-27yo)... and do not have my license and of course, do not have a plane. Since as early as I can remember, I've always looked up in the sky watching every plane that would fly by, trying to identify the type and just simply imagining the day that I too would fly my own plane. At 51, I still do this. Since childhood, I got every book and magazine that had anything to do with planes, specifically homebuilts. My first true homebuilt book when I was a teen was this book called How to Build an Airplane, and it was of the Evans Volksplane VP1. I carried that thinge verywhere, and it was my bible. I still have it to this day. My walls were covered with pics of the VP-1's, Teenie Twos, Aircampers, the KR's, etc., etc.

Because I've had no real fortune or luck on my side over the years, things didn't materialize like I had hoped. At 18, I started taking lessons, but soon after that my older brother (19) got a brain tumor. My dad sent the both of us to Mexico, and for the next several months, I was shoving a wooden spoon into his mouth... every 5 minutes, for months... in an old dilapidated hotel room in Mexico, just the 2 of us. Seizure upon Seizure. He died soon after that, and after, I just could not function.

Got married at 24 (27 years now and counting!!)
Dad got run over by his own tractor and died.
Mom got cancer, and died.
My daughter is 23 and is Bipolar, schizophrenia, and is non-functional. She has been in non-stop treatment for 15 years, but will now be in a more permanent residence in the next week or two.

My 17yo son has an interest in Flying of which I'm really happy about. He knows how much I love planes, and he knows that I never really got to live out my passion. I've explained to him that I'm getting older now, and I can no longer build a plane, and because of that I've also lost hope of even getting my license. I've explained to him that I've pretty much given up on planes and that it's just simply too late for me. I've encouraged him to chase his dreams and if it's Flying, then go for it and to not let anything get in the way, as I have done.

He then goes on to tell me "Dad, dad... listen. If this is your passion, which I know it is, do it! If building a plane is your passion, build it! You're only 51!". (lol) He then goes on to say that if I go and get my license, the he will join me and get his too.

Well, I'm still depressed but, because of his words I've busted out my books, magazines and plans that I've bought over the years. He has given me some hope, even at this late stage.

Long story short, the plans that I have are for the Hummelbird, Dragonfly, Vision Aircraft, and am about to purchase plans for the Thorp T18. I have every tool you can imagine, mechanically inclined, and regardless of construction type (Metal, Composite, Wood), I believe I can do it. (That's just me trying to be optimistic).

The 2 that I'm really debating on are the Vision, and the Thorp T18. The Thorp... my god, I love the design. Just not sure if a new Pilot can handle it. The goal, is a cross country plane that wife and I could travel in.

If I could snap my fingers for the ultimate homebuilt... Osprey GP-4. The most beautiful plane ever built. Ever.