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don january

Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2015
I want to drop in and give a little in site on ordering supplies from companies such as Aircraft Spruce and specialties and the like. I have placed an order to Aircraft Spruce and while filling out the on line order form the shipping was $171.00 and I realized prices are high these days but I did knock down the shipping cost down to $31.00 dollars. You probably say how the heck was this done? Well first thing I realized half the order was chemical and had Hazard fee's and was found that if a person can order smaller amount then a gallon as I ordered quart can fees were much less. Also if your ordering things such as pinked tape or place cards or anything none Hazard place that order into a separate order. Basically if you can have things sent the cheapest route and can stand for waiting a few days it helps 100 percent in cost. Wood is very pricey to ship and the bigger the ply or board length the higher the cost in shipping and cost of wood. So have any of you guys found ways to get cost down in shipping??