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Wich propeller Should I use?

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Oct 28, 2007
Hi every one this is my first post on this fourm
I am building a light trike, and I need betwen 90 to 100 lb of static thrust.
I have a Honda 250cc 2 stroke engine it develops 15.2 hp at 5000 rpm
it has a 2 to1 redrive.
I need to know what size and pitch propeler I require.
Can somone please explain how I can calculate this for myself as I can then workout the possibilities of other engines.
Iearned from another forum that I could expect about 6.6lb per hp is this correct?
The trike should cruise at about 30 to 45 mph.
The propeler can't be to big as it will cut the keell , about 50 inches maybe a bit bigger but not much.
Your advice will be greatly appreciated,
Thank you for your time Berrie.