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Russ's Lil Jug

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New Member
Jul 17, 2005
St. Joseph, Michigan, USA
Hello Russ, Thought I would give some more info to you about your Jug flying with the War Corsair. The corsair was owned by Randy Hatchell, built by Cliff Wier. Randy bought a T6, then sold the Corsair to a fella in Florida who immediately broke the gear doors by not going thru the correct retracting sequence, the corsaie was a great flyer as Randy had put a good number of hours on it. Randy brought his Corsair to Oshkosh twice, then he came up to Osh in his T6. we flew down to a place called Oaklawn for a Warbird luncheon in a 4 plane formation of two T6's a BT13 and a FW??? that looks like an L21. Anyway, we had a great time, and he and Danny Linkous who owned your Jug had a great time doing airshows together. Keep Em Flying Terry