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Is the rotax 447 a safe engine?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2022
Alicudi, Italy
so, I was looking at various engines trying to find a 30ish hp one for a fair price, looking at the baganfibio a saw that a prototype was actually fitted with a rotax 447, an engine that dosen't cost an arm and a leg and actually has some horspowers to work with (if you've read my other posts you know I'm trying to build myself a seaplane with probably the lowest budget of the forum lol), anyway I started looking around when I saw this in the wikipedia page
Now, I don't know if this is true, I've tried navigating in the forum using the search bar but couldn't find anything about 447s failing.
If I'm being honest this kinda scares me, y'all know if that's true? How is possible that rotax as a company just decided to relese an engine that fails mid air? that dosen't sound very safe to me ahah