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May 30, 2006
I am new to this web site. I have been fascinated by flying since a young age. I saved my nickles and dimes up as a young boy of 8 years for a short airplane ride (a just for fun ride) and have been hooked since then, just never had the money to get the pilots licence or a plane. now I have been researching the new catagory "lsa" and it seemed right up my alley until I found home built aircraft and there experimental catagory. some of these experimental aircraft are darned cheap compared to a new cessna 172 and can do what it does and better.
now i am 22 and in the army national guard, for the next year I will be stationed in Irack. My job in the army is to fix helicopters, I am a pneudralics repair specialist.
I hope to get into coledge after this deployment so I can get a good job and hopefully afford some of this airplane stuff. well thats about where I am at. great site here.