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Dust pushing planes

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Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2004
Troy, Michigan
Was said

"Mostly I was trying to beat Dust to promoting the Cozy. BUT he didn't even promote it. Dust are you feeling okay ?"

Hey i feel great, just learned a few lessons years ago,

if you don't love it, you won't finish it

If your mission doesn't fit the plane, in the end you probably won't finish it

The Cozy has a specific mission and rough fields isn't in it

In my book, single seat is OK, two seat is not(wife or wife's cloths), except for a low and slow sightseeing or acrobatic plane

three seat - better

four seat - better yet

five seat - real better yet

six seat - more real better yet

seven seat - whooooo hoooooo

If you review my posts here, you will find that i haven't "pushed" the cozy, i have explained that my opinions are based on my experience with a cozy, which you are crazy ifin you don't build, i mean if it fits your mission you should highly consider it, he he he.

I have consederred Slades advice of adding a spear on the front of the cozy for fishing and hunting and feel it is probably not a good idea.

If i did it for spear fishing, the canopy would get full of water and because of it's shape i can't put a windshield wiper on it.

If i speared a moose, i would have to get out of the plane in flight AND rearrange the balast in the front of the plane, thats not a problem BUT i might lose the balast compartment screws in the process and those darn AN screws cost a fortune.

enjoy the build
