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Data Base

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Feb 27, 2004
British Columbia
I accidently started collecting various aircraft magazines,it started with a stack of mid 80's Ultralight Aircraft mags, one of which had a flight report on my first ultralight(Delta Sailplane "Honcho").Since then, in my quest for knowledge,my collection has grown to well over 400,including Kitplanes,Custom Planes,Sport Aviation and others.
The problem was that with so many,if I wanted to read articles on any given subject,I had to resort to thumbing through each one.I decided to develop a data base of articles that I might want to read someday.I used Microsoft Works,and set it up with 7 fields which include the title,author,date, issue,and subject.
Although I've only completed a small portion,about 1100 entries,it is proving to be quite an asset.The program I used allows me to sort or filter the data as I choose.Example,if I enter VW under the subject and apply the filter,it will bring up all the articles on VW engines that I've entered and I can go directly to the magazine that I want to read.
I was curious if anyone else found themselves in a similiar situation and what their approach to the problem was.
