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Cliff Dwellers Lodge - Grand Canyon

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2010
Mojave, Ca
Keeping with the "magic carpet" aspect of light aircraft ownership, we decided to take a weekend tour of Arizona. With stops in the Grand Canyon, Sedona and Scottsdale, our first stop was to the Cliff Dwellers Lodge at the northeast end of the big ditch. They have a private, dirt strip nearby the lodge (AZ03) which worked out well. Considering the recent heavy rains, the strip was a little sloppy and I would consider it right on the limit for the small tires of the RV, but with a few dry days, should be no problem for any model RV or similar aircraft. As it was, we sunk the tail wheel right to the axle in the soft ground and certainly carried some mud home in the wheel pants.The lodge itself is best described as "rustic" but clean. If you are looking for robes, turn down service and chocolates on the pillow at night, go elsewhere. The staff is typical "salt of the earth" friendly, and the location is spectacular. It has been a long time since I've experienced quiet like this. Once settled in, we had an excellent lunch at the on site restaurant and then took a long hike in the nearby wash to burn off the calories. The hike was easy, and as typical of this area, the sights breathtaking. We returned to our room in late afternoon to grab a drink on the front porch and watch the nearby mesa turn colors as the sun set. Dinner at the restaurant followed sunset, and we settled in for stargazing in the way only being in the middle of nowhere can provide. A peaceful night ensued, and this morning we found the strip in better shape for our launch to Sedona. Overall, we found the place a great adventure and will be back. If any of you are planning on heading this way, I highly recommend an overnight stay. The strip is a bit sketchy, but Marble Canyon and Page are just a few miles away if you don't like what you see. But landing at Cliff Dwellers is part of the adventure, so give it consideration.
Tied down at AZ03 looking Northwest - no chocks required because the tires are sunk 3 inches into the rain soaked dirt.
View from our front porch looking Southeast. The setting sun and alcohol contribute to the warm glow.
Obligatory shot of the big ditch at 10,000.
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