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Aerostatics not Aerodynamics - Mystery of Lift Solved

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Teke Mon

New Member
May 7, 2023
This is a Global Announcement:
Zone Theory of Aerodynamic Lift.

I wish to congratulate the entire scientific community that the 100-year old mystery of how lift force is generated by an airfoil wing has been finally resolved in Nov 2022. Several institutions of repute in the US, EU, Japan, China and Russia, have been apprised of the breakthrough, as part of a continuing global contact program. These include MIT, Cranfield, Cambridge and Oxford universities, as well as various international academies of sciences in their respective countries.

The findings and the proof the new theory have been published in ebook form titled The New Theory of Flight Dynamics (Origins of Aerodynamic Lift by Airfoil Action), Ist ed, Feb2023, available on the website.

Bernoulli is wrong because air in which a plane flies is STATIC.
Newton’s 3rd law reaction is wrong because this would require thrust so great that it resolves adequately into a vertical component more then the MTOW of an airplane.

The new zone-theory explains everything about airfoil behaviour in atmospheric flight conditions, and accurately describes how aircraft achieve flight, in reality. It effectively puts an end to all the intangible concepts and dispels all the vague notions about lift, in a very straight forward empirical manner.

For more info:
[email protected]


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