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Need Your Opinion Please

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Site Developer
Oct 22, 2002
Pacific NW, USA!
Hello everyone,

There have been some suggestions made for a restructuring of the way the discussion areas are displayed here on HBA. I was hoping that I could get some feedback from you guys on the matter.

Right now, HBA is structured with most of the discussion areas displayed from the main page. It has been suggested that maybe we should go to a structure that has only major divisions on the main page with the discussion areas within those divisions. Below is an example of what I mean.

Construction methods
-----Tube and fabric
-----Sheet metal
General discussion
-----Hanger flying
-----Rules and regs
-----Places to go

In this method only the headings in blue would show up on the main page. To get to the other areas you would choose the general area you want to go and then choose which specific area you want from that. An example of this is the Auto Conversions area. Below is a list of pro's and con’s from my perspective.

  • The site would appear more organized and streamlined on the main page.
  • May be easier for people to narrow down where they need to go to post a question.

  • Adds one more step to getting you your desired location. May be frustrating for those on a slow connection and those who navigate the site on a regular basis that know where they want to go.
  • People visiting for the first time may not realize what discussion areas are available to them unless they explore the site in its entirety

I would like to see HBA become as user friendly as possible while maintaining at least the same level of functionality and security. I do realize that I may not always be the best judge of what is user friendly so that is where you all come in. Thanks.


p.s. Here is the original post that got the idea started.
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