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Aluminum vs Steel , on flywheel Ring Gear ?

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Bille Floyd

Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2019
I'm putting together an electric-start for my 3W-240cc twin , and found
the parts I need . With a bit of Lathe work, molding, and carbon lay-up for
the hub on the ring gear ; I got a very practicable , and light solution.
For precision ; I will be cutting the male Hub mold , on my lathe, using
high density partial board,

On the Ring gear that I sourced , I have a choice between Aluminum
or steel ; this company makes both for the part I'm using.
Is Aluminum practical ? I know it won't last as long as steel ; but
if I can get a hundred starts from it, then I'm good with it , and
it will be way easier , machine it out , and match it to the carbon
hub I'm building !!!

Funny -- If I went with the reduction unit , and clutch this PPG
company sells , and will eventually most definitely will go with ; I could use
their stock ring gear now ; but I want to go direct drive First, so i know for
sure what rpm this particular engine runs at for its sweet spot. Direct drive
I should get 50kg + of thrust ; that's fine for Las Vegas @ 2700-ASL , but
Ely Nv @ 6500 ASL , it won' be enough , so I'll need a reduction unit , for
better prop efficiency .
